With the news of the twins came a lot of unexpected complications so say the least. I have been in and out of the ER trying to keep myself hydrated so that I don't nearly pass out again. With all this going on and my husband unable to live with me, he began to worry...
The topic of wether or not I should be sent back to Savannah was brought up several times so that I would have close family and friends to help. We made a deal , if I am still this ill by 16 weeks pregnant, I will return home early. Along with that choice came the talk of money (since we would have to pay a lot to get me home). Along with money came the issue of money vs time. My argument is that as long as your heading in the direction you want to be in, and as long as you have enough to pay all of your bills, you are fine. His argument is that enough is never enough. He is in the military training for a good job. We have enough to pay the bills and then some. But that isn't good enough for now. He only see's me and his son 3 hours a day Monday-Thursday and then from 6pm Friday- 730 pm Sunday. Now he wants to do blackrope, bullets, and more all of which will take even more time out of the little he already has with us.
His argument? "What I have now is good, but I want more and I have to get ahead of the game".
I tell him he needs to managae his time better that will allow him to do so without taking more and more time from his family. These are the kinda choices you regret with you lose a loved one, not spending the time you did have with them.
You know the type in movies that always want to work to get ahead of the game and get the best job or promotion but it ends up taking all of their time from their famalies....I married that guy. While I am proud of him for his major accomplishments, I wish he understood the importance of spending the time you do have with the ones you love.
I can't help but wonder if this is guy thing? Are girls the only ones who think time is more important than extra spending money for nicer things than what you already have? Or could it just be me that thinks this way? Is it wrong for him to always want more? No. Does it make me feel like what he has now (me and his children and able to pay the bills and still heading in a good direction for advancement) isn't goo enough for him? Yes.
Speaking of time and how short it is, the twins have grown rapidly since I found out anout them! The first picture is from when I was 8 weeks pregnant and the second is my 12 week ultrasound. I am now 14 weeks. Time flys! Now if I could only get my husband to agree..