Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Been a long, long time.

I just took a moment to realize that It's been since August that I wrote my last blog post. What the heck man? Well, that being said, let me play some catch up!

Our time in Vegas has been like a mini-life. There was loss, new friends, new experiences, hard times, and fun times and the journey is still going! Though I wish we would get out of Nevada, but that's another issue entirely.

I had a best friend. And awesome and funny Nevada friend that was all my own!!! But I got a hard dose of military reality when they got orders and she moved all the way to Germany. Which after she left, felt like I was new to this city all over again. I adjusted of course, and now have a few new great friends, but it wasn't easy.

I also lost my grandpa. He had barely gotten to see and meet our son and had never gotten the chance to meet my daughters. I couldn't be there to see him or say goodbye or anything, and again I got a dose of military reality.

But then, through it all, I had a husband. One that loves me and adores his children and for that I am lucky. For him, that military reality, was tolerable.

Now, I have a malformation in my brain that will require surgery. And I will have my friends, and him through all of it. And, I can get it done thanks to yet another, but good one, military reality. Health insurance.

In talk of my upcoming graduation and my major, I will keep this blog updated now. I write whatever I feel. My stories, my journies, my work, my family. It will all be laid out for whoever to read because somewhere out there, is another me who wants to feel like they aren't alone. Or just a few nosey friends or stalker realatives! Just Kidding!! Kinda..

For now, I have major assignments due for homework and a deadline. Bummer, right?

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